When to Repair vs Replace Car

Deciding whether to repair or replace your car can be a tough decision, influenced by factors ranging from financial considerations to sentimental attachment. Understanding the right time to choose one over the other can save you both money and headaches down the road.

Factors to Consider

Cost of Repairs

The cost of repairs is often the primary factor in determining whether to repair or replace your car. When the cost of fixing a vehicle exceeds its market value, opting for replacement might be more economical in the long run. Major repairs such as engine or transmission replacements can quickly add up, sometimes surpassing the value of older vehicles.

Age of the Vehicle

The age of your car plays a crucial role in this decision-making process. Older vehicles are more prone to breakdowns and may require frequent repairs. As cars age, their reliability typically decreases, making ongoing maintenance costs a significant consideration.


High mileage cars often require more frequent repairs and maintenance. Even if the repairs needed are not particularly expensive, the cumulative costs can add up over time. Vehicles with extremely high mileage may also face potential safety concerns and diminished performance.

Overall Condition

Assessing the overall condition of your car is essential. If the vehicle has been well-maintained and the repair needed is minor, it may be worth keeping. However, if rust, corrosion, or structural issues are present, repairing these could be costly and impractical.


Consider the depreciation rate of your car. Newer vehicles depreciate faster, and if your car has already lost a significant portion of its value, repair costs relative to its worth may not justify the expense. On the other hand, older cars may have already experienced the bulk of their depreciation.

Financial Considerations

Monthly Payments vs Repairs

Compare the cost of monthly payments for a new car versus the potential cost of repairs for your current vehicle. While monthly payments provide predictability, repairs can sometimes offer a cheaper alternative in the short term.

Resale Value

If you plan to sell your car in the near future, its resale value after repairs should be factored into your decision. A well-maintained car with documented repairs may fetch a higher price than one that hasn’t been adequately cared for.

Practical Considerations

Safety and Reliability

Above all else, safety should be a primary concern. If repairs compromise the safety or reliability of your vehicle, it may be time to consider a replacement. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are crucial to ensuring your car remains safe to drive.

Environmental Impact

Consider the environmental impact of your decision. Older vehicles tend to have lower fuel efficiency and higher emissions compared to newer models. Choosing a more fuel-efficient vehicle can reduce your carbon footprint in the long term.

Emotional Attachment

Sentimental Value

For many, cars hold sentimental value. Whether it’s the first car you owned or one that has been in the family for years, sentimental attachment can influence your decision to repair rather than replace.

Customization and Familiarity

If you’ve customized your car or become accustomed to its quirks and features, replacing it may not be appealing. Sometimes, the familiarity of a vehicle outweighs the potential benefits of getting a new one.


Deciding whether to repair or replace your car involves a careful evaluation of financial, practical, and emotional factors. While cost considerations often take center stage, safety, reliability, and personal attachment also play significant roles in the decision-making process. By weighing these factors thoughtfully, you can make an informed choice that best suits your needs and circumstances.

Need a Mechanic in La Grande, OR?

Our team here at Integrity Automotive has provided quality auto repair services for our customers since 2003. We are a full service auto repair shop and specialize many types of vehicles, including European models such as BMW and Audi, as well as diesel trucks. Our services include engine repair, transmission services, and many more services. Moreover, we are ASE certified and are a proud member of NFIB, and we are a certified NAPA auto care center. Call or come in for immediate service!

Signs of Electrical Issues in Your Car and Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Them


When it comes to car maintenance, most people tend to focus on engine problems, tire issues, or strange noises. However, one aspect that often gets overlooked is the electrical system of a vehicle. Your car’s electrical system is responsible for powering various components like the lights, radio, air conditioning, and crucially, the ignition system. Ignoring electrical issues in your car can lead to serious problems and even put your safety at risk. In this blog post, we will discuss some common signs of electrical issues in your car and explain why it is crucial to address them promptly.

1. Flickering lights

One of the most obvious signs of electrical issues in your car is flickering lights. Whether it’s the headlights, taillights, or interior lights, if they are flickering or dimming, it’s a clear indication of a problem. This issue can be caused by a faulty alternator, battery, or loose connections. Ignoring flickering lights can lead to a sudden loss of power, potentially leaving you stranded in the dark or causing accidents due to reduced visibility.

2. Difficulty starting the car

Another red flag that shouldn’t be ignored is having trouble starting your car. If you find yourself constantly turning the key multiple times before the engine eventually starts, it’s likely an electrical issue. This could be due to a weak battery, a faulty starter motor, or a faulty ignition switch. Ignoring this problem can leave you stranded in inconvenient locations or even lead to a complete breakdown of your car’s electrical system.

3. Electrical system failures

If you notice that certain electrical components, such as power windows, door locks, or the radio, stop working abruptly or intermittently, it indicates a potential electrical issue. This could be caused by damaged wiring or a malfunctioning control module. Ignoring these failures may be tempting, especially if they don’t affect the essential functions of your car. However, it’s vital to address electrical issues promptly because they can worsen over time and damage other critical components.

4. Strange smells

Electrical issues can sometimes manifest through unusual smells or odors. If you notice a burning smell coming from your car’s interior, it could indicate an electrical problem. This could be caused by a damaged wire, a failing component, or overheating in the electrical system. Ignoring these smells could lead to an electrical fire, risking your safety and potentially causing significant damage to your car.

5. Malfunctioning dashboard warning lights

Modern cars are equipped with a sophisticated onboard computer system that monitors various systems and displays warning lights when there is an issue. If you see multiple warning lights appearing on your dashboard simultaneously or intermittently, it’s a sign of an electrical problem. Ignoring these warning lights can lead to more extensive damage to your car’s electrical system or other vital components, potentially resulting in expensive repairs.

6. Battery drainage

Experiencing frequent or sudden battery drain is another telltale sign of electrical issues. If you find yourself regularly needing to jump-start your car or notice that the battery dies unexpectedly, it’s time to investigate. Common causes of battery drainage include a faulty alternator, a parasitic draw, or short-circuited wiring. Ignoring a drained battery can leave you stranded and cause inconvenience, especially in remote areas or during extreme weather conditions.


It’s crucial not to ignore these signs of electrical issues in your car. Neglecting them can lead to a domino effect, causing further damage and ultimately resulting in expensive repairs. Additionally, unresolved electrical problems can compromise your safety on the road, increasing the risk of accidents or sudden breakdowns. Regular maintenance and inspections are essential in identifying and addressing electrical issues before they escalate. Consulting a professional mechanic who specializes in electrical systems can help diagnose the problem accurately and provide the necessary repairs or replacements.

Remember, your car’s electrical system is a complex network of components that directly impact its performance and safety. Don’t underestimate the importance of maintaining and resolving electrical issues promptly. By doing so, you’ll ensure a reliable and safe driving experience for yourself and your passengers.

Need a Mechanic in La Grande, OR?

If you’re looking for professional assistance with maintaining your Subaru or have any questions about the tips and tricks mentioned, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Integrity Automotive. Our experienced team is here to provide you with expert service and guidance to ensure your Subaru remains in top-notch condition. We specialize in Subaru maintenance and can help you keep your vehicle running smoothly for years to come. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference of choosing Integrity Automotive for all your Subaru’s maintenance needs. Your Subaru deserves the best, and that’s precisely what we offer!

What to Do When Your Check Engine Light Is Flashing


Having the check engine light illuminate on your dashboard can be a cause for concern. However, when it begins flashing, it is a sign that there may be a serious issue with your vehicle that needs immediate attention. Ignoring a flashing check engine light could lead to severe damage to your car and potentially costly repairs. Here are some steps to take when your check engine light starts flashing:

1. Do not ignore it; take it seriously

A flashing check engine light is not something to be brushed off or ignored. It indicates that there is a severe issue with your vehicle’s engine that requires immediate attention. Ignoring it could lead to more damage and potentially put you and your passengers at risk. Take it seriously and address it promptly.

2. Reduce your speed and avoid heavy acceleration

When your check engine light flashes, it is best to reduce your speed and avoid heavy acceleration. This minimizes the stress on your engine, reduces the risk of causing further damage, and increases your chances of reaching a safe location or a nearby mechanic for assistance. Slowing down and driving with caution is crucial.

3. Check for any obvious problems

While it is not recommended for an untrained individual to attempt to fix the issue themselves, you can still check for any obvious problems under the hood. Look for loose or damaged wires, disconnected hoses, or any signs of leaks. If you notice something unusual and believe you can address it safely, go ahead. Otherwise, leave it to a professional.

4. Stop the car and turn off the engine if necessary

If your vehicle starts exhibiting severe symptoms, such as loud noises, excessive smoke, or a loss of power, it might be safer to stop the car completely and turn off the engine. These symptoms may indicate a significant issue that requires immediate attention and may be beyond your ability to fix temporarily. Park your car in a safe location and seek assistance.

5. Get your vehicle diagnosed by a professional

Once you have reached a safe location, it is essential to have your vehicle diagnosed by a professional mechanic. A flashing check engine light can be caused by various issues, ranging from minor to severe. A mechanic will use specialized diagnostic equipment to identify the specific problem and provide you with an accurate assessment of the repair required.

6. Follow the advice of the mechanic

After the mechanic has diagnosed the issue, it is crucial to follow their advice regarding the necessary repairs. The mechanic will inform you of the severity of the problem, the estimated cost of repairs, and whether it is safe to continue driving the vehicle. Trust their expertise and make an informed decision based on their recommendations.

7. Seek a second opinion if necessary

If the cost or severity of the repairs seems excessive or if you are uncertain about the mechanic’s assessment, do not hesitate to seek a second opinion. Another professional’s perspective may provide you with additional insight and help you make a more informed decision about how to proceed with the repairs.

8. Regular maintenance and checks to prevent future issues

To minimize the occurrence of a flashing check engine light in the future, it is crucial to follow regular maintenance schedules for your vehicle. This includes routine oil changes, filter replacements, and regular inspections. Regular maintenance can help you identify and address potential issues before they escalate into more serious problems.


A flashing check engine light should never be taken lightly. It indicates a severe issue with your vehicle’s engine that requires immediate attention. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure your safety and prevent further damage to your car. Remember, always consult a professional mechanic for an accurate diagnosis and advice on necessary repairs.

Need a Mechanic in La Grande, OR?

If you’re looking for professional assistance with maintaining your Subaru or have any questions about the tips and tricks mentioned, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Integrity Automotive. Our experienced team is here to provide you with expert service and guidance to ensure your Subaru remains in top-notch condition. We specialize in Subaru maintenance and can help you keep your vehicle running smoothly for years to come. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference of choosing Integrity Automotive for all your Subaru’s maintenance needs. Your Subaru deserves the best, and that’s precisely what we offer!

Choosing the Right Auto Repair Shop: Key Factors to Consider


When it comes to taking care of our vehicles, finding a reliable and trustworthy auto repair shop is crucial. Whether it’s for routine maintenance or major repairs, the professionals we entrust with our vehicles should have the knowledge, expertise, and integrity to provide high-quality service. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right auto repair shop. Here are some key factors to consider when making your decision.

Reputation and Recommendations

One of the best ways to narrow down your choices and find a reliable auto repair shop is by considering their reputation and seeking recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues. Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool, and the experiences of people you trust can provide valuable insight into the quality of service a shop provides. Browse through online review platforms and check for positive feedback and a high overall rating. Look for shops with a solid reputation for honesty, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

Certifications and Training

Auto repair shops that invest in their technicians by providing regular training and certifications demonstrate a commitment to excellence. Mechanics who are certified by reputable organizations, such as the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), indicate that they have met industry standards and stay updated with the latest advancements in automotive technology. It’s a good idea to inquire about the qualifications and certifications of the mechanics at the shop you are considering.

Shop Facilities and Equipment

The physical condition of the auto repair shop and the quality of their equipment play a significant role in the quality of service they can provide. A clean and well-organized facility with modern tools and diagnostic equipment is a sign that the shop takes pride in their work and invests in the necessary resources to offer efficient and accurate repairs. Outdated equipment or a disorganized workspace may indicate a lack of attention to detail, which can lead to subpar workmanship.

Range of Services

When selecting an auto repair shop, it’s essential to ensure that they offer the services you may require both now and in the future. While routine maintenance tasks such as oil changes, filter replacements, and tire rotations are relatively common and offered by almost all shops, more complex repairs can vary in availability. If you own a specific make and model of vehicle, it’s worth investigating if the shop has experience working on those types of cars. Additionally, look for shops that provide a wide range of auto services, including engine diagnostics, brake repairs, transmission work, and electrical system troubleshooting.

Warranty and Guarantees

A reputable auto repair shop should stand by their work and offer warranties or guarantees on the services they provide. Inquire about the length and coverage of any warranties offered, as this can provide you with peace of mind knowing that you will be protected in the event of any issues arising after a repair or maintenance service. Ensure that you fully understand the terms and conditions of any warranty before agreeing to work with a particular shop.

Estimates and Pricing

Price should not be the sole determining factor when choosing an auto repair shop. However, it’s essential to find a shop that provides transparent and fair pricing. Request estimates from multiple shops for the same service to compare prices and evaluate the value you will be receiving. Be wary of significantly lower prices, as this may indicate the use of low-quality parts or inexperienced mechanics. Remember that quality repairs are an investment in your vehicle’s longevity and performance.

Convenience and Customer Service

Lastly, consider the convenience and customer service provided by the auto repair shop. Look for a shop that offers convenient appointment times and has a comfortable waiting area if you plan to wait during service. Additionally, assess the responsiveness and friendliness of the staff when you contact them for inquiries. A shop that values their customers and strives to provide excellent service will make a noticeable difference in your overall experience.


Selecting the right auto repair shop involves careful consideration of several key factors. A good reputation, certifications and training, well-maintained facilities and equipment, a range of services, warranties or guarantees, transparent pricing, and excellent customer service are all crucial aspects to evaluate. By taking the time to research and choose wisely, you can ensure that your vehicle is in capable hands and receives the necessary care it deserves.

Need a Mechanic in La Grande, OR?

If you’re looking for professional assistance with maintaining your Subaru or have any questions about the tips and tricks mentioned, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Integrity Automotive. Our experienced team is here to provide you with expert service and guidance to ensure your Subaru remains in top-notch condition. We specialize in Subaru maintenance and can help you keep your vehicle running smoothly for years to come. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference of choosing Integrity Automotive for all your Subaru’s maintenance needs. Your Subaru deserves the best, and that’s precisely what we offer!

7 Common Car Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

Clinging,to,steering,wheel,,closing,his,eyes,and,leaning,onOwning a car comes with its fair share of responsibilities. Regular maintenance and timely auto repairs are crucial to ensure a smooth and safe driving experience. However, it’s not uncommon for car owners to overlook certain issues, thinking they are minor or can be put off until later. Ignoring these problems can lead to more significant and costly repairs down the line. In this blog post, we will discuss seven common car problems that you should never ignore.

1. Check Engine Light

The check engine light is a warning sign from your car’s onboard computer system that something is amiss. Ignoring this light can lead to severe engine damage and a hefty repair bill. It could be as simple as a loose gas cap or a more significant issue like a malfunctioning oxygen sensor or catalytic converter. Whatever the cause, it’s crucial to address it promptly by taking your car to a trusted mechanic.

2. Weird Noises

Unusual noises can indicate underlying mechanical issues that need attention. Squealing brakes, grinding gears, knocking sounds, or rattling can be signs of brake problems, worn-out bearings, or issues with your transmission. Don’t let these noises go unnoticed as they can worsen over time, leading to costly repairs or, in some cases, accidents. Get your car checked immediately if you hear any strange noises.

3. Vibrations

If you notice vibrations while driving, especially at high speeds, it could be a sign of unbalanced wheels or worn-out tires. Ignoring this issue can lead to tire blowouts or wheel misalignments, which can be dangerous. Schedule a visit to your local tire shop to get your wheels balanced and check for any tire wear.

4. Leaking Fluids

Leaking fluids can be an indication of a severe problem in your car. If you notice fluid stains, puddles, or strange smells under your car, it’s time to get it checked. Different colors of leaking fluids can suggest different issues. For instance, green fluid may indicate an antifreeze leak, brown or black fluid may indicate an oil leak, and pink or amber fluid may indicate a transmission or power steering fluid leak. Addressing these leaks promptly can prevent further damage to your car’s components.

5. Overheating Engine

An overheating engine can be a result of various issues, such as a malfunctioning thermostat, low coolant levels, a faulty radiator, or a blocked cooling system. Ignoring this problem can lead to severe engine damage or even complete engine failure. If your engine temperature gauge is in the red zone or you notice steam coming from the hood, pull over immediately and let your engine cool down. Consult a professional mechanic to diagnose and fix the underlying issue.

6. Strange Smells

Unusual odors in your car can be a warning sign of potential problems. A burning smell may indicate an oil leak, an electrical issue, or a problem with your brakes. A sweet, syrupy smell can be a sign of a coolant leak. A musty or moldy smell may indicate a clogged air conditioning system, potentially leading to respiratory issues. Never ignore strange smells in your car; it’s best to get them checked out to avoid any further damage or health risks.

7. Electrical Issues

Electrical issues in your car can range from a malfunctioning radio or power windows to a complete electrical failure. Ignoring these problems can be inconvenient and may leave you stranded. Depending on the severity of the issue, it can also impact your car’s overall performance and safety. If you’re facing any electrical issues, it’s best to consult an auto electrician who can identify the root cause and provide a suitable solution.


Ignoring these common car problems can have dire consequences, both for your wallet and your safety. Regular maintenance and addressing issues promptly can help you avoid more significant and costlier repairs down the line. Remember, safety should always be your priority when it comes to your car. So, take these common car problems seriously and stay on top of maintenance to keep your car running smoothly for years to come.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

Integrity Automotive has provided quality auto repair services for our customers since 2003. We are a full service auto repair shop and specialize many types of vehicles, including European models such as BMW and Audi, as well as diesel trucks. Our services include engine repair, transmission services, and many more services. We are ASE certified and are a proud member of NFIB, and we are a certified NAPA auto care center. Call us or come in for immediate service!