Avoiding Disaster: Tips for Safely Driving on Flooded Streets

Flooding is a serious issue that can lead to dangerous driving conditions. Whether it’s from heavy rain, storm surges, or melting snow, floodwaters can create hazardous scenarios for drivers. Knowing how to navigate these conditions can make the difference between a safe journey and a potentially life-threatening situation. In this blog, we’ll discuss how to drive through flood water safely and provide tips to ensure you and your vehicle stay out of harm’s way.

The Risks of Flooded Roads

Before diving into the specifics of how to drive through a flood, it’s important to understand the risks involved. Flooded roads can be deceptively dangerous for several reasons:

  • Water Depth: Even shallow-looking water can be deeper than it appears, which can lead to vehicle damage or loss of control.
  • Hidden Hazards: Floodwaters can conceal obstacles such as debris, potholes, and damaged roadways.
  • Water Pressure: Fast-moving floodwater can exert significant pressure on your vehicle, increasing the risk of being swept away.
  • Reduced Traction: Water can reduce the traction of your tires, making it harder to maintain control.

How to Drive Through Flood Water Safely

When confronted with floodwater, safety should be your top priority. Here’s how to drive through a flood safely:

Assess the Situation Before Entering the Water

  • Gauge the Depth: If you’re unsure about the depth of the water, it’s better to err on the side of caution. Use visual clues such as the height of nearby objects to estimate the water level.
  • Check for Alternate Routes: If possible, find an alternate route to avoid driving through floodwater. This is often the safest option.
  • Turn Around: If you encounter a flooded road and are unsure of its depth or conditions, it’s best to turn around and find another route.

Driving Through Shallow Flood Water

If you must drive through shallow floodwater, follow these guidelines:

  • Slow and Steady: Drive at a slow, consistent speed to prevent water from splashing into critical engine components. Rapid acceleration or sudden stops can increase the risk of losing control.
  • Keep Your Distance: Maintain a safe distance from other vehicles to avoid being affected by their wake or spray.
  • Avoid Wave Action: Steer clear of creating large waves as they can increase the risk of stalling or flooding your vehicle.

What to Do If Your Vehicle Starts to Stall

If your vehicle begins to stall while driving through floodwater:

  • Do Not Restart the Engine: If your engine stalls, do not attempt to restart it. Restarting a flooded engine can cause severe damage.
  • Move to Higher Ground: If possible, move the vehicle to higher ground or an area where the water is less deep.
  • Call for Assistance: Contact roadside assistance or emergency services for help if you are unable to move your vehicle.

How to Drive in a Flood: Additional Safety Tips

Even if you’re able to navigate through floodwaters, additional safety measures can help prevent accidents and ensure your safety:

Keep Your Headlights On

  • Increase Visibility: Turn on your headlights to increase visibility, both for yourself and for other drivers. Fog lights or hazard lights can also help in low-visibility conditions.

Monitor Your Speed

  • Drive Slowly: Reducing your speed is crucial when driving in floodwater. This helps you maintain control and allows for more reaction time if obstacles arise.

Be Cautious of Other Drivers

  • Stay Alert: Watch for other drivers who may not be following safety precautions. They may drive too fast or not use their headlights, increasing the risk of accidents.

Preparing Your Vehicle for Flood Conditions

Proper auto maintenance can make a significant difference in how well your vehicle handles flooded conditions:

Check Your Tires

  • Tire Tread: Ensure that your tires have sufficient tread depth to handle wet conditions. Worn-out tires are more prone to losing traction.

Ensure Your Vehicle is in Good Working Condition

  • Fluid Levels: Regularly check and maintain fluid levels, including engine oil, transmission fluid, and coolant. Flooding can cause leaks and other issues if these fluids are not at optimal levels.

Install Splash Guards

  • Protect Your Underbody: Splash guards can help protect the underbody of your vehicle from debris and excessive water exposure.

Post-Flood Driving Tips

After navigating through floodwaters, it’s important to check your vehicle and driving conditions:

Inspect Your Vehicle

  • Check for Water Damage: Inspect your vehicle for any signs of water damage, especially in the engine compartment and electrical systems.
  • Brake Performance: Test your brakes after driving through water. Pumping them a few times can help remove any moisture and restore their effectiveness.

Stay Informed About Road Conditions

  • Monitor Updates: Stay informed about road conditions and any potential hazards through local news or traffic reports.


Driving through floodwater presents a unique set of challenges, but by following these tips on how to drive through a flood safely, you can greatly reduce the risks involved. Always prioritize your safety and that of others by assessing the situation carefully, driving cautiously, and preparing your vehicle for adverse conditions. Remember, when in doubt, it’s always better to find an alternate route and avoid flooded roads altogether. Your safety is paramount, and by taking these precautions, you can help ensure a safer journey even in challenging conditions.

Need a Mechanic in La Grande, OR?

Our team here at Integrity Automotive has provided quality auto repair services for our customers since 2003. We are a full service auto repair shop and specialize many types of vehicles, including European models such as BMW and Audi, as well as diesel trucks. Our services include engine repair, transmission services, and many more services. Moreover, we are ASE certified and are a proud member of NFIB, and we are a certified NAPA auto care center. Call or come in for immediate service!

Average Car Maintenance Costs by Brand

Car maintenance is a crucial aspect of vehicle ownership that often gets overlooked until something goes wrong. Understanding the average maintenance costs associated with different car brands can help you budget effectively and make informed decisions when purchasing a new vehicle. In this blog, we’ll delve into the average maintenance costs by brand, exploring what you can expect to spend on keeping your car in top shape.

Car Maintenance Costs

Before diving into the specifics of each brand, it’s essential to understand what contributes to car maintenance costs. Maintenance expenses typically include:

The overall maintenance costs can vary based on factors such as the car’s age, model, driving conditions, and the availability of parts.

Average Maintenance Costs by Brand


Toyota vehicles are renowned for their reliability and longevity. This reputation extends to their maintenance costs, which tend to be lower than many competitors. On average, Toyota owners can expect to spend around $400 to $600 annually on routine maintenance and minor repairs. Key factors contributing to these lower costs include:


Honda is another brand known for its reliability and relatively low maintenance costs. Owners of Honda vehicles typically spend between $450 and $650 per year on maintenance. This is attributed to:


Ford vehicles, being one of the most popular American brands, have a varied maintenance cost profile. On average, Ford owners spend around $500 to $700 annually. Factors influencing this cost include:


BMW is known for luxury and performance, but these factors can drive up maintenance costs. BMW owners should anticipate spending between $800 and $1,200 annually on maintenance. The higher costs are due to:


Similar to BMW, Mercedes-Benz vehicles are associated with higher maintenance costs. Owners can expect to spend around $900 to $1,300 per year. Reasons for the higher costs include:


Volkswagen vehicles generally fall in the mid-range for maintenance costs. On average, VW owners spend about $600 to $800 annually. Factors affecting these costs include:


Subaru is known for its rugged and reliable vehicles, especially popular in regions with harsh weather conditions. Maintenance costs for Subaru vehicles average around $500 to $700 annually. Contributing factors include:


Hyundai has made significant strides in producing reliable and cost-effective vehicles. Owners can expect to spend between $400 and $600 annually on maintenance. Reasons for these lower costs include:


Kia, like Hyundai, offers vehicles with competitive maintenance costs. On average, Kia owners spend about $400 to $600 per year. Factors contributing to these costs include:

Tips for Managing Car Maintenance Costs

Regardless of the brand, managing car maintenance costs can save you a significant amount of money over time. Here are some tips to keep your expenses in check:

  1. Regular Maintenance: Follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule to avoid costly repairs.
  2. Use Quality Parts: Opt for high-quality parts to ensure longevity and performance.
  3. Shop Around for Services: Compare prices from different mechanics to find the best rates.
  4. Address Issues Early: Fix minor problems before they become major, expensive repairs.
  5. Consider Extended Warranties: For luxury or high-cost brands, an extended warranty may help cover some maintenance expenses.


Understanding average car maintenance costs by brand can help you make a more informed decision when purchasing a vehicle and budget for ongoing expenses. While brands like Toyota and Honda offer lower maintenance costs, luxury brands like BMW and Mercedes-Benz come with higher expenses. By staying proactive with maintenance and addressing issues early, you can manage your car’s maintenance costs more effectively, regardless of the brand you choose.

Need a Mechanic in La Grande, OR?

Our team here at Integrity Automotive has provided quality auto repair services for our customers since 2003. We are a full service auto repair shop and specialize many types of vehicles, including European models such as BMW and Audi, as well as diesel trucks. Our services include engine repair, transmission services, and many more services. Moreover, we are ASE certified and are a proud member of NFIB, and we are a certified NAPA auto care center. Call or come in for immediate service!

Car Maintenance Schedule by Mileage

Proper car maintenance is crucial for keeping your vehicle running smoothly and ensuring its longevity. Following a maintenance schedule based on mileage is an effective way to stay on top of necessary services and prevent potential issues down the road.

Importance of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance helps in maintaining the performance, reliability, and safety of your car. It involves a series of inspections, adjustments, and replacements of components that wear out over time. By following a mileage-based maintenance schedule, you can address issues before they escalate into costly repairs.

Mileage-Based Maintenance Intervals

Different components of your car require attention at specific mileage intervals. Here’s a breakdown of common maintenance tasks based on mileage:

1. 3,000 to 7,500 Miles

For newer vehicles, the initial mileage intervals are shorter as they break in and settle. During this phase, it’s essential to:

2. 15,000 to 30,000 Miles

As your car accumulates more miles, certain components require more thorough inspection and maintenance:

3. 30,000 to 60,000 Miles

During these intervals, more critical components and systems need attention to avoid breakdowns and ensure safety:

4. 60,000 to 100,000 Miles

As your car reaches higher mileage, maintenance becomes more intensive to maintain reliability:

Adhering to the Maintenance Schedule

Following the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule is crucial. It ensures that your car receives the necessary care at the right intervals. Failure to adhere to the schedule can lead to premature wear, reduced fuel efficiency, and potential mechanical failures.

Benefits of Following a Maintenance Schedule

By sticking to a mileage-based maintenance schedule, you can enjoy several benefits:

DIY vs. Professional Maintenance

While some maintenance tasks can be performed by car owners with basic mechanical skills and tools, others require specialized knowledge and equipment. Here’s a breakdown:

DIY Maintenance

Professional Maintenance


Following a mileage-based car maintenance schedule is essential for preserving the performance, reliability, and safety of your vehicle. By staying proactive and adhering to the recommended intervals for inspections and service, you can prevent potential issues and ensure a smoother driving experience for years to come. Whether you choose to perform basic maintenance tasks yourself or rely on professionals for more complex services, staying consistent with your car’s upkeep will ultimately save you time and money in the long run.

Need a Mechanic in La Grande, OR?

Our team here at Integrity Automotive has provided quality auto repair services for our customers since 2003. We are a full service auto repair shop and specialize many types of vehicles, including European models such as BMW and Audi, as well as diesel trucks. Our services include engine repair, transmission services, and many more services. Moreover, we are ASE certified and are a proud member of NFIB, and we are a certified NAPA auto care center. Call or come in for immediate service!

When to Repair vs Replace Car

Deciding whether to repair or replace your car can be a tough decision, influenced by factors ranging from financial considerations to sentimental attachment. Understanding the right time to choose one over the other can save you both money and headaches down the road.

Factors to Consider

Cost of Repairs

The cost of repairs is often the primary factor in determining whether to repair or replace your car. When the cost of fixing a vehicle exceeds its market value, opting for replacement might be more economical in the long run. Major repairs such as engine or transmission replacements can quickly add up, sometimes surpassing the value of older vehicles.

Age of the Vehicle

The age of your car plays a crucial role in this decision-making process. Older vehicles are more prone to breakdowns and may require frequent repairs. As cars age, their reliability typically decreases, making ongoing maintenance costs a significant consideration.


High mileage cars often require more frequent repairs and maintenance. Even if the repairs needed are not particularly expensive, the cumulative costs can add up over time. Vehicles with extremely high mileage may also face potential safety concerns and diminished performance.

Overall Condition

Assessing the overall condition of your car is essential. If the vehicle has been well-maintained and the repair needed is minor, it may be worth keeping. However, if rust, corrosion, or structural issues are present, repairing these could be costly and impractical.


Consider the depreciation rate of your car. Newer vehicles depreciate faster, and if your car has already lost a significant portion of its value, repair costs relative to its worth may not justify the expense. On the other hand, older cars may have already experienced the bulk of their depreciation.

Financial Considerations

Monthly Payments vs Repairs

Compare the cost of monthly payments for a new car versus the potential cost of repairs for your current vehicle. While monthly payments provide predictability, repairs can sometimes offer a cheaper alternative in the short term.

Resale Value

If you plan to sell your car in the near future, its resale value after repairs should be factored into your decision. A well-maintained car with documented repairs may fetch a higher price than one that hasn’t been adequately cared for.

Practical Considerations

Safety and Reliability

Above all else, safety should be a primary concern. If repairs compromise the safety or reliability of your vehicle, it may be time to consider a replacement. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are crucial to ensuring your car remains safe to drive.

Environmental Impact

Consider the environmental impact of your decision. Older vehicles tend to have lower fuel efficiency and higher emissions compared to newer models. Choosing a more fuel-efficient vehicle can reduce your carbon footprint in the long term.

Emotional Attachment

Sentimental Value

For many, cars hold sentimental value. Whether it’s the first car you owned or one that has been in the family for years, sentimental attachment can influence your decision to repair rather than replace.

Customization and Familiarity

If you’ve customized your car or become accustomed to its quirks and features, replacing it may not be appealing. Sometimes, the familiarity of a vehicle outweighs the potential benefits of getting a new one.


Deciding whether to repair or replace your car involves a careful evaluation of financial, practical, and emotional factors. While cost considerations often take center stage, safety, reliability, and personal attachment also play significant roles in the decision-making process. By weighing these factors thoughtfully, you can make an informed choice that best suits your needs and circumstances.

Need a Mechanic in La Grande, OR?

Our team here at Integrity Automotive has provided quality auto repair services for our customers since 2003. We are a full service auto repair shop and specialize many types of vehicles, including European models such as BMW and Audi, as well as diesel trucks. Our services include engine repair, transmission services, and many more services. Moreover, we are ASE certified and are a proud member of NFIB, and we are a certified NAPA auto care center. Call or come in for immediate service!

Why Regular Car Maintenance Before a Road Trip is Essential

Embarking on a road trip can be an exciting adventure, offering the opportunity to explore new destinations, connect with loved ones, and create lasting memories. However, before hitting the open road, it’s essential to ensure that your vehicle is in optimal condition to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey. Regular car maintenance plays a critical role in preparing your vehicle for a road trip, ensuring that it performs reliably and efficiently throughout the duration of your travels. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of regular car maintenance before a road trip and highlight the key steps you can take to ensure road trip readiness.

Understanding the Importance of Regular Car Maintenance

Regular car maintenance is essential for keeping your vehicle in peak condition and preventing unexpected breakdowns or mechanical failures, especially when embarking on a road trip. Routine maintenance tasks, such as oil changes, tire rotations, fluid checks, and brake inspections, help ensure that your vehicle operates smoothly and efficiently, reducing the risk of costly repairs and roadside emergencies. Additionally, regular maintenance can prolong the lifespan of your vehicle, improve fuel efficiency, and enhance overall performance and safety on the road.

Conducting a Pre-Trip Car Inspection

Before setting out on a road trip, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough pre-trip car inspection to identify any potential issues or concerns that may need to be addressed. Start by checking the condition of your tires, including tread depth, tire pressure, and overall wear and tear. Inspect your brakes, lights, and windshield wipers to ensure that they are functioning correctly and replace any worn or damaged components as needed. Check your engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, and other essential fluids to ensure that they are at the proper levels and top them off as necessary. Finally, inspect your battery, belts, hoses, and filters for signs of wear or damage and replace any components that appear worn or compromised.

Ensuring Road Trip Readiness

In addition to conducting a pre-trip car inspection, there are several other steps you can take to ensure road trip readiness and enhance your overall driving experience. Plan your route in advance, taking into account factors such as distance, driving conditions, and potential rest stops or points of interest along the way. Pack an emergency kit containing essential items such as a flashlight, jumper cables, first aid supplies, water, non-perishable snacks, and a roadside assistance contact information. Consider investing in a roadside assistance membership or travel insurance policy to provide peace of mind in the event of a breakdown or emergency situation.

Importance of La Grande Car Maintenance

For residents of La Grande, Oregon, regular car maintenance is particularly important due to the region’s diverse terrain and weather conditions. From winding mountain roads to harsh winter weather, La Grande’s unique environment can pose challenges for drivers, making it essential to ensure that your vehicle is in top condition before embarking on a road trip. By partnering with a trusted La Grande car maintenance provider, such as a local dealership or auto repair shop, you can access expert service and support to keep your vehicle running smoothly and reliably, no matter where your travels take you.

Safe and Enjoyable Road Trips Begin with Regular Car Maintenance

Regular car maintenance is essential for ensuring road trip readiness and enhancing the safety, reliability, and enjoyment of your travels. By conducting a pre-trip car inspection, ensuring road trip readiness, and partnering with a trusted La Grande car maintenance provider, you can prepare your vehicle for the journey ahead and minimize the risk of unexpected breakdowns or mechanical failures. Whether you’re embarking on a weekend getaway or a cross-country adventure, prioritizing regular car maintenance will help ensure that your road trip is a smooth and memorable experience from start to finish.

Need a Mechanic in La Grande, OR?

Here at Integrity Automotive, we understand how crucial it is to have your vehicle in top-notch condition before embarking on your next road trip. Our dedicated team is here to provide expert maintenance and thorough pre-trip inspections to ensure your journey is safe and worry-free. Don’t leave anything to chance—reach out to us today to schedule your car’s maintenance and let us help you hit the road with confidence.